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How to Cope With Loneliness During a Pandemic and Recovery

Victory Bay Recovery Center

Are you feeling lonely? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with loneliness each year. Although the condition is more common than you think, few people are capable of coping with loneliness on their own. They often need friends and family to help them feel connected.

Loneliness and isolation are key symptoms of addiction. A person who feels isolated is more likely to drink or take drugs. Addiction treatment centers in New Jersey provide an array of programs to help people overcome addiction and loneliness so that they no longer feel isolated. Let’s take a closer look at coping with loneliness and overcoming addiction.

What Exactly is Loneliness?

It is important to remember that there is a difference between being alone and feeling alone. We all need alone time. A dedicated amount of time away from others is healthy and can be therapeutic. A person who spends time alone can relax, engage in a hobby, or reflect.

A constant feeling of loneliness is a different issue. Someone can live in a large city, be surrounded by people, and still feel completely alone. Loneliness occurs when a person feels as though they have no support, encouragement, or connection with friends, family, coworkers, or society. They feel completely isolated from the world. This type of prolonged loneliness is what often leads to substance abuse.

Coping with Loneliness: How to Reconnect

One of the things that a person learns in a drug or alcohol rehab program is how to reconnect with people. Whether their loneliness is circumstantial or self-imposed, they develop strategies for coping with their loneliness, such as:

  • Learn Something New: It seems like community classes are everywhere. Art, exercise, cooking, or yoga – there are lots of opportunities to learn something new in a group setting. Explore your interests and take a class that helps you develop a current skill or take on a new skill. While you’re in class, mingle with people who are interested in the same thing you are.
  • Volunteer in a Community Effort: Few things are as therapeutic as volunteering in the community. Becoming a volunteer in something you believe helps you get your mind off of your loneliness and focus on the needs of other people. You can work hand in hand to accomplish something greater than yourself. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. And you’ll get to meet new people in the process.
  • Find a Support Group: Whether it’s for addiction, a mental disorder, or simply for loneliness, support groups are everywhere online. You can find a group based on your individual needs and interests. A group can give you real support, lasting friends, and the connection you desperately crave. Your addiction treatment program in New Jersey can probably help you find a support group you can connect with.
  • Strengthen Your Existing Relationship: You may not realize how many people you have in your life who you can get to know better or reconnect with. Friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors provide lots of opportunities for you to strengthen relationships that have been lingering for years. Try calling someone and scheduling a movie night or dinner at a restaurant.
  • Bring a Pet Home: Cats and dogs can keep you from feeling lonely. As loyal companions, they provide a means for healthily coping with loneliness. Dogs are social creatures that never seem to get enough attention. The right cat can also provide hours of companionship and relaxation.

Victory Bay Offers Help for Drug or Alcohol Addiction

If you are having a difficult time coping with loneliness, then don’t turn to drugs or alcohol. Instead, let Victory Bay help you with your condition. We provide treatment for addiction and mental health issues at our addiction outpatient treatment center in New Jersey. To get started with your treatment, contact Victory Bay at [Direct], and speak with a specialist.

Recovery with Victory Bay

At Victory Bay we’re here to help you achieve a new life with a new start in recovery. To learn more about the variety of treatment programs we offer, including mental health, eating disorders, and substance use, contact us today by calling 855.239.5099.