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The Hidden Costs of Gambling Addiction: Relationships and Social Life 

Victory Bay

The repercussions of having a gambling addiction go far beyond simply putting a strain on your finances. For most people with compulsive gambling, this will have a significant impact on their relationships and social life. 

It is never only the person with the addiction who is impacted; the adverse effects of addiction will also touch those closest to them. In this article, we will be discussing the hidden costs of compulsive gambling and how you can rebuild your life during recovery. 

Repercussions of Compulsive Gambling 

You may already be aware of some of the most common repercussions of having a gambling addiction, such as experiencing significant financial issues. You may also experience repercussions, such as debt, a low credit score, loans, and having to borrow money from others. However, gambling addiction repercussions are very far-reaching and will even touch those around you. 

Here are some of the ways a gambling addiction will negatively impact your loved ones and your social life. 


Friendships are often one of the first things to go when any type of addiction starts to spiral out of control. Maintaining friendships takes effort and time, and those aren’t things someone has available when they are experiencing the worst of their addiction. Because of this, friendships will often become strained as you aren’t available to spend time with your friends, or you may even try to borrow money from them. 

If the outings don’t involve gambling, you most likely will not make yourself available for your friends. Your friends may also start to become resentful if they feel that you are only going to them if you need money to fuel your addiction. 

In some instances, your friends may also play a significant role in your gambling addiction if they also gamble. This can result in them becoming a trigger if they encourage you to gamble or introduce you to more gambling outlets. 


Out of all the relationships in your life, it is your family members who are going to suffer the most when it comes to your gambling addiction. They are the people closest to you and will usually be at the forefront when it comes to the repercussions of your gambling. 

If you are married or dating, your partner may be significantly financially impacted by your gambling habits. If the two of you share finances, they may go into debt with you, which can result in resentment in the relationship. They may also feel neglected if you start to spend all of your time gambling. 

It is no secret that addiction breaks up many families due to the strain it puts on the relationships. Your spouse or partner may break up with you or ask for a divorce if they feel their emotional needs are not being met and they are suffering financially. 


Children are particularly vulnerable if one of their parents is struggling with a gambling addiction. Young children will also feel the impact of a gambling addiction since they are most likely relying on you for financial and emotional support, which are two things that you usually cannot provide when you are struggling with an addiction. 

Older children can also be vulnerable to the repercussions of gambling since you may start to rely on them to help you pay your debt. These relationships will often be neglected, and you will only go to them if you need financial assistance. 

Other Relationships 

Aside from your friends and family, there are other relationships that can be impacted by a gambling addiction. For instance, many people may turn to extended family to help them with their gambling debts, such as aunts, uncles, grandparents, and in-laws. 

Your gambling may even start to impact work relationships, such as with your coworkers or your boss. This can result in you losing your job or being unable to work with certain people. 

Rebuilding Your Relationships and Social Life After a Gambling Addiction 

Once you have started your gambling addiction recovery journey, you can start to rebuild your life from the ground up. As destructive as this addiction is, you can always start over and try to fix the relationships in your life. 

Keep in mind that your first priority needs to be joining a gambling addiction program that can equip you with the tools you need throughout your recovery. This is the best way to ensure you stay on the right track and do not fall back into old habits. 

Make Amends 

No matter how your addiction has impacted your relationships, you can always make amends. This is a very important step during your recovery, as you need to acknowledge the mistakes you have made and apologize.  

Something to remember is that your loved ones have the right to respond in a way that feels right for them. This may not result in them forgiving you or they may forgive you but there may be strings attached or they may have to still keep their distance. You will need to respect this and allow them the time they need to recover and move on. 

Find New Social Circles 

Those with a gambling disorder often develop social circles around gambling, which is something that has to go when you start recovery. To avoid feeling isolated, it is critical that you find new social circles that will promote better habits. You may join support groups, group counseling sessions, volunteer groups, or even classes where you can learn new skills with other people. 

Rebuilding your social life in a positive way will be very beneficial during your recovery, especially when it comes to filling up time that you would have usually used to gamble. 

Go to Counseling 

Depending on your specific situation, you may want to attend counseling with certain loved ones during your recovery. This is common for families since they are often very involved in the recovery process and may also require counseling. Counseling is beneficial for you and your spouse or partner as well as for entire families that are impacted. 

Counseling can provide a safe space for your loved ones to voice how they feel about your addiction and how it has impacted them. The therapist can also provide actionable steps you can take towards making amends and rebuilding those important relationships. 

Find New Outlets 

Something that goes hand-in-hand with finding new social circles is finding new outlets. When someone suffers from a gambling addiction, this usually becomes a huge part of their lives, resulting in them not having any time for hobbies or other activities. 

To fill up all of the free time you now have, you need to find new outlets that are healthy and won’t trigger your gambling addiction. This can include things like learning how to cook, exercising, sports, writing, etc. This is also a great time to find activities that can help you reconnect with the people you care about and rebuild those relationships. 

If you are ready to join a gambling addiction program and jumpstart your recovery, look no further than Victory Bay. Our mental health professionals are dedicated to helping our patients make a full recovery as well as rebuild their lives.We provide a variety of mental health treatment programs and work tirelessly towards reversing the stigma of mental illness and addiction.


At Victory Bay, we believe it is never too late to begin treatment, so reach out to us today to get started! 

Recovery with Victory Bay

At Victory Bay we’re here to help you achieve a new life with a new start in recovery. To learn more about the variety of treatment programs we offer, including mental health, eating disorders, and substance use, contact us today by calling 855.239.5099.