Victory Bay’s Blessing Bag Program
The Kensington area in Philadelphia is known for its growing rate with homelessness and drug abuse that haunt the busy streets. It’s evident that more and more young men and women are finding themselves enslaved in this area, all attempting to reach that ultimate high.
Many who are homeless in Kensington, were lead there not only by their disease but also trauma, abuse, neglect, or an unhealthy environment to begin with. The point of why an addict or an alcoholic first uses and then abuses drugs is for an escape; then it metamorphoses into a habit.
Within the recovery community it is not only our job, but our mission to help the next struggling addict or alcoholic.

Victory Bay has created a volunteer group called, Blessings from VicBay. Our mission is to create hope and be the light for those suffering. Once a month a group of volunteers, lend a hand together and provides needed necessities to the homeless; we call them Blessing Bags. The Blessing Bags are created by people in early recovery and understanding how they can help others in the future. It has taught them teamwork, gratitude, and compassion.
When the bags are exchanged, kind words, hugs, conversation, tears, and hope are given with each blessing. For those who are ready to find their new way to live, treatment information is also exchanged.
Blessings Bags from Vic Bay’s are offered to share hope to those who are living in difficult conditions. We believe each person is a person. That each and every one of matters. Let’s break the stigma and try our best to create a new way to live, one Blessing Bag at a time.