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Generation Z and Mental Health: Navigating the Challenges of Social Media and Online Pressure 

Victory Bay

The online world has produced a variety of concerns regarding mental health, as many people are influenced and pressured by what they view online. Social media is known for this, especially with the rise of influencers. 

Although there is a positive side to social media, everyone needs to be very aware of the dangers this could pose in terms of mental health disorders and insecurities. In this article, we will be discussing the impact social media can have on your mental health and how you can safely navigate it. 

Social Media and Mental Health 

Humans are social creatures, and each and every one of us naturally desires connection and to feel like we are a part of something. With so much of the world now being digital, people are starting to find this companionship online through social media platforms. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but social media has also created quite a few problems, especially for those who use it too frequently. 

One of the drawbacks to social media is that it doesn’t usually produce strong social relationships, which is what people are looking for. There are also many negative influences online that can start to impact the way you look at yourself and your life. For example, you may follow fitness influencers because you want to be healthier but this may only result in you over analyzing how you look. 

Social media also isn’t very realistic, which can make social media users have unrealistic expectations about their lives and their bodies. It doesn’t help that many social media users are adolescents and still very impressionable to what they see online. 

The Positive Aspects of Social Media 

Even though social media cannot replace in-person connections and relationships, there are positive aspects that should be discussed. Here are some examples of the positive impacts of social media when it is used sparingly and in a healthy way: 

  • Communication: The online world allows you to stay in contact with friends and family all over the world. You can stay engaged in what is going on in their lives and share parts of your life with them as well. 
  • Friendships: Although most online interactions are superficial, some people are able to find true connections and friendships in this way. The digital world allows people to reach across borders and countries to find like-minded people remotely. 
  • Awareness: Social media has been a huge tool in spreading awareness about mental health. There are many mental health resources online, and open conversations about mental health disorders are encouraged. 
  • Creativity: Many people are able to use social media as an outlet for their creativity in a way that they can share with others. Not only does this benefit them, it can benefit other people who relate to them. 

The Negative Aspects of Social Media 

Unfortunately, for many people, the negative aspects of social media usually outweigh the positive ones. Much of this can be attributed to people not knowing how to use social media in a healthy way that creates a balance in their life. Living online has become a way of life for many people, which will usually lead to long-term mental health repercussions. 

  • FOMO: This stands for fear of missing out, which is something that has been around for a long time and is now a big part of social media consumption. People may feel FOMO because they see others on social media sharing exciting news and photos about their lives. This can lead to envy and negative self-talk about your own life as you think that everyone else is living a better life than you. 
  • Comparison: Similar to FOMO, many people struggle with comparison when they are using social media. You may compare your home to someone else’s home or compare how you look to the appearance of someone else. The reality is that not everything you see online is realistic, as people want to share the best parts of themselves and their lives. 
  • Isolation: People who start to obsessively use social media will often start to self-isolate and grow apart from their real-life connections. They may develop a false sense of connection with people online when, in reality, none of these connections go deeper than leaving a comment or liking someone’s post. 
  • Insecurities: Constantly viewing photos of other people, especially if they have been edited, can significantly impact how you view yourself in comparison. Not only can this lead to insecurities and low self-esteem, it can even spiral into things like eating disorders

How to Safely Navigate Social Media 

For many people, entirely disconnecting from social media and other online platforms is next to impossible. Here are some strategies you can use to safely navigate social media and maintain a healthy balance. 

Limit Your Social Media Time 

Like many places online, social media is a time sucker and can easily start to drain hours of your day. There are different apps that allow you to time yourself when you go into social media apps so that you do not overuse them. You can also set a limit to how many times you can check social media apps or have certain times of the day where you can do this. 

The reality is that social media is usually a waste of time as it does not produce anything productive for your actual life. That is why it should be used sparingly for purposes like communicating and connecting with others in an authentic way.  

Limit Your Options 

You should strive to limit how many social media outlets you are using as this can quickly become an issue that eats into your time. After all, there is no realistic reason why you would need to engage with more than two or three different social media platforms.  

Try to avoid platforms that produce the most short form content as this is usually the most superficial and the easiest to use obsessively. One method that you can use to filter out social media options is to choose the platforms that spread the most positivity or value. Avoid platforms that lean more towards negativity or superficial posts, such as selfies. 

Unfollow Unhealthy Influences 

No matter how careful you are on social media, there are always going to be negative influences out there. You need to be aware of them and learn how to spot the signs, as they may not always immediately look like a bad thing. One way to do this is to avoid any unhealthy influences that could trigger you or a mental health condition. 

Examples of potential triggers include fitness accounts, beauty and other superficial influencers, gossip accounts, etc. 

How to Remain Present in an Online World 

We are living in the digital age and it is only going to grow bigger as technology is constantly advancing. At this point, there is no way of completely avoiding the online world, which is why you have to learn how to create a balance in your own life. 

Many people have started to feel a significant disconnect from the real world and what is actually going on around them. Living in the digital world may feel good in the moment, but it lacks substance and will only result in emptiness and a hunger for more. That is why we should all strive to be more present and disconnect from technology whenever possible. 

Have times during the week or month when you completely disconnect from your phone and simply enjoy the moment. Make it a point to enjoy the moment when you are with friends and family and avoid gravitating towards screens. Taking these little steps will have a huge impact on your mental health and will also help to set a better example for those around you. 

Recovery with Victory Bay

At Victory Bay we’re here to help you achieve a new life with a new start in recovery. To learn more about the variety of treatment programs we offer, including mental health, eating disorders, and substance use, contact us today by calling 855.239.5099.