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How to Deal with Anxiety

Victory Bay Recovery Center

If you are wondering how to deal with anxiety, it’s important to remember that anxiety-related disorders require early treatment. Since symptoms will continue to get worse the longer you delay treatment, it’s important to reach out for help as soon as you begin to develop symptoms.

Mental health disorders are the leading cause of disability in the United States, with anxiety disorders alone affecting 18% of Americans annually. Anxiety-related disorders are the most common mental health problem in the country but only 36.9% of those struggling with an anxiety disorder receive any form of treatment. When anxiety disorders are left untreated, they can create a whirlwind of disabling symptoms that can interfere with your daily life.

What is an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety-related disorders are mental health diseases that impact your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. While everyone deals with anxiety at some point in their life, those with an anxiety-related disorder are unable to reduce or control their anxiety. Some of the most common anxiety-related disorders include:

  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Phobias
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder 
  • Panic disorder

While each anxiety-related condition has its own unique symptoms, all of them can impair your ability to live a normal life. Anxiety disorders can cause panic and anxiety attacks, which can make it difficult to leave your home. Social anxiety can cause you to isolate and avoid others because you are constantly worried about what others are thinking about you. Understanding that your anxiety is abnormal can make you feel frustrated, powerless, and angry.

Another complexity of anxiety disorders is that it can be difficult to reach out for help, especially if you suffer from social anxiety. When your symptoms cause you to isolate or avoid others, you can experience severe depression. Unmanaged symptoms can also increase your risk of using or abusing drugs and alcohol, as psychoactive substances are many times used to self-medicate anxiety.

How to Deal With Anxiety

When you have an anxiety disorder, you may wonder how to deal with anxiety. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, anxiety may cause you to avoid certain people or situations. The best answer to the question about how to deal with anxiety is to reach out for treatment.

Anxiety disorders create intense symptoms that are difficult to manage without help. Panic and anxiety attacks can make you feel like you’re having a heart attack or breathing problems. It can cause you to avoid any and all situations that could provoke an attack. Evidence-based therapies can help you learn how to deal with anxiety in a healthy manner.

Recognizing your triggers is an important part of treatment. Understanding what triggers your symptoms, allows you to avoid or deal with them in a productive manner. Individual counseling can also help you learn how to deal with anxiety. Discussing your thoughts and feelings can reduce your symptoms.

Certain medications can also help reduce your symptoms. Prescription drugs like benzodiazepines help decrease the severity of symptoms providing additional support during your recovery.

Finding Anxiety Disorder Treatment Today

If you are constantly wondering how to deal with anxiety, chances are you are exhibiting signs and symptoms of an anxiety-related disorder. Anxiety disorders are prevalent, so if you’re suffering from anxiety attacks or phobias, you are far from alone. The most important step in recovering from an anxiety disorder is reaching out for help as soon as possible. When you are ready to discuss your treatment options, call us today at [Direct].  

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