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Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, refer to the simultaneous presence of two or more disorders in an individual. Co-occurring disorders typically involve the presence of a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder but can also include other combinations such as a mental health disorder and a medical condition. Co-occurring disorders can have a significant impact on an individual's overall well-being, as they often interact and exacerbate each other, leading to more severe symptoms and difficulties in treatment. Treatment for co-occurring disorders often involves a comprehensive and integrated approach, addressing both the mental health and substance use aspects of the individual's condition. 

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treat personality disorders

What are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Co-occurring disorders can be caused by genetic, environmental, and social factors. Some of the possible causes of co-occurring disorders include: 

  1. Genetics 
  2. Environmental factors 
  3. Neurochemical imbalances 
  4. Social factors 
  5. Substance use as self-medication 

The causes of co-occurring disorders are often complex and multifaceted, and may vary from person to person. Effective treatment typically involves a thorough assessment of the individual's unique needs and circumstances, as well as an integrated approach that addresses both the mental health and substance use components of their condition. 

Symptoms of Co-Occurring Disorders

The symptoms of co-occurring disorders can vary depending on the specific combination of mental health and substance use disorders, as well as the individual's unique circumstances. Some possible symptoms of co-occurring disorders may include: 

  • Sudden mood swings, agitation, or irritability.
  • Anxiety can sometimes escalate into panic attacks, causing intense feelings of fear and physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating, and shortness of breath. 
  • Depression that can lead to feelings of hopelessness. 
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What to Expect?

Co-Occurring Disorder treatment will know what you are going through. In addition, they will work with you to help you to get a hold of your confusing behaviors and emotions. Having a Co-Occurring is not the end of the world, and with a bit of work, people can live normal lives.


When you go into mental health treatment, you will be assessed for the severity of your symptoms. Also, this is where you'll learn if you're staying at the facility or not. Getting help for your personality disorder is brave, be proud of yourself!

Mental Health Treatment Modalities

Through cognitive behavioral therapy, we can help you identify negative thinking, feelings, or beliefs that you may have that are standing in the way of overcoming your mental disorder.



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