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The Do’s and Don’ts of Starting an Addiction Detox Program

Victory Bay

The detox process is a critical part of beginning your recovery journey. It’s the first step in surrender and a pathway to laying a foundation from which your healing can begin. Addiction detox centers are medical and therapeutic facilities that assist clients in safely discontinuing drug or alcohol use, offering well-rounded services to ensure they are safe and supported during one of the most challenging phases of recovery.

Whether it’s your first time attending detox, or your fifth, preparing your mindset for entering into this space will set you up with the best chance for success. There’s a level of physical and emotional discomfort during this process and a vast shift in lifestyle.

What else should you do to prepare yourself for a detox stay? There are several do’s and don’ts that will give you the best chance of making the most of your time in detox. Take a look below and challenge yourself to integrate these tools into your mindset.


Be Honest. You’re going into detox for help, use it. Don’t rob yourself of the experience by letting shame and stigma minimize your experience with addiction. Allow yourself to be honest every step of the way. Talk with vulnerability, relate to the professionals the amount of your use, and allow yourself to feel the weight of the decision you’ve made. Your honesty will set you free, and open you up to support.


Be Honest. You’re going into detox for help, use it. Don’t rob yourself of the experience by letting shame and stigma minimize your experience with addiction. Allow yourself to be honest every step of the way. Talk with vulnerability, relate to the professionals the amount of your use, and allow yourself to feel the weight of the decision you’ve made. Your honesty will set you free, and open you up to support.


Go in with an Open Mind. Regardless of the number of times, you have attended a drug rehab, having an open mind around what’s being asked of you and what you can gain in the process will allow you to absorb the treatment experience. You will most likely hear something you’ve never heard before, meet people with varied perspectives, and make new strides with your self-image. If we don’t allow ourselves to be open to these experiences, they will be blocked by our previously held beliefs.


Have a Negative Mindset. It’s easy to fall into a negative mindset in an addiction detox program. You’re wrestling with physical and emotional upheaval and probably experiencing your feelings in a way that hasn’t been possible for quite some time. Challenge it! If we enter into the detox space with our minds already made up, we would be able to extract the necessary tools, information, and healing that is so crucial to set your recovery up for success and support.


Embrace Downtime. Part of the detox experience is being engaged in activities and therapy services, while the other part includes rest and recovery. This stillness can feel disconcerting for someone who’s used to active addiction. Take this as a cue to lean into the version of yourself you’ve been missing. What is it that you’re interested in outside of your addiction? What pieces of you have been lost and can now be found? Read a book, meditate and get comfortable with your thoughts.


Force Connection to the Outside World. Most addiction detox centers eliminate or restrict electronic usages such as phones, laptops, and tablets. This is for your benefit. Triggers are far and wide during the detox process, as your body naturally craves the substances you are withdrawing from. Limiting access to the outside world can keep you in the container needing to move through the detox process. Instead, allow yourself some disconnection from the outside world to focus on your recovery.


Build Relationships. Detox will allow you to connect with others with a parallel experience with you. It can be deeply rewarding to realize you are not the only person who has felt the way you are feeling. During group sessions or in-house 12-step meetings, allow yourself to relate and find comfort in the stories of your peers.


Find the Differences. It is easy to find the ways in which you don’t relate to the people around you. “I wasn’t as bad as them” is a common thought that can isolate you interpersonally and allow you to minimize the experience of your substance abuse. As they say in 12-step fellowships, “identity not compare.” Comparing will isolate you, and identification will free you.


Listen to the Experts. Part of detox is following the directives of trained professionals. This means attending appointments, therapy groups, and having structured meal times. Our natural tendency will be to rebel against structure, as it can feel like a loss of personal freedom. Don’t let yourself get bogged down in the details, and follow the advice set out by providers!


Make your own Plan. We usually have grand ideas and rigid control around how we want our detox experience to play out. Positive treatment outcomes are linked to longer stays in treatment, so be sure to be open to your plan shifting based on treatment recommendations. Our distorted thinking caused by addiction needs time to straighten out, so listen to the cues and ideas around you.

There is no wrong way to enter into a treatment program, but being prepared to shift your mindset, take suggestions, and acknowledge your physical and emotional symptoms will set you up to take everything you can from your detox experience. Remember – if you feel uncomfortable, you’re probably on the right path. Learning to make peace with what may come up during a detox stay is step one of moving through the process and leaning in for support.

Recovery with Victory Bay Recovery Center

At Victory Bay Recovery Center, our passion and mission are recovery with love and respect. We offer comprehensive Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Outpatient (OP) addiction treatment programs. With our modern facility in Southern New Jersey and our experienced staff of healthcare professionals, we’re here to help you achieve a new life with a new start in recovery. To learn more about the variety of treatment programs we offer, contact us today by calling 855.239.5099.

Recovery with Victory Bay

At Victory Bay we’re here to help you achieve a new life with a new start in recovery. To learn more about the variety of treatment programs we offer, including mental health, eating disorders, and substance use, contact us today by calling 855.239.5099.