Crack Cocaine Addiction & Treatment
At Victory Bay, we offer cocaine and crack cocaine rehab programs that can help those addicted. Our state-of-the-art facility provides crack cocaine treatment in a comfortable ambiance along with a variety of care levels. With our professional staff members available to provide support, comfort, medications, and more, we can help you get back on track to getting healthy and living a long, addiction-free life.

About Crack Cocaine Use & Addiction
Crack cocaine (otherwise known as “crack”) is a free-base form of cocaine that gets its name from the cracking and popping sound it makes when heated. The drug is often an off-white color with jagged edges and is also frequently sold in rock form.
This potent drug produces more powerful effects for the user than regular cocaine. Because of the intense depression, edginess, and overall craving that follows the short high, many users quickly turn to more of the drug and many develop a crack addiction.
The Dangers of Crack Cocaine

What to Expect
What You Will Learn
Life Skills
Through life skills training and vocational rehabilitation, clients can get their lives back on track.
Stress & Trigger Management
By learning the proper stress and trigger coping mechanisms, clients will be able to manage these feelings to continue their best life - sober.
Life Balance
Life does not have to be a balancing act! With us, clients will learn to appropriately manage all aspects of their lives, in whichever way it works best for them. You come first, not your addiction.