About Addiction
After going through a treatment program, you may be asking yourself what the next steps are. You have some choices to make that can influence your future. For example, will you move back home? This can be tricky if you do not have a supportive environment or are surrounded by the same triggers that landed…
What is Percocet and why is it a problematic drug? Percocet is a prescription medication that is used to treat acute and moderate to severe pain. It falls into the classification of an opioid/acetaminophen combination drug. It is taken orally in the form of a pill, tablet, or solution. Since it is an opioid, it…
A dual diagnosis is when someone has co-occurring disorders, such as a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder. Most people who have a mental illness will have a substance use issue at some point in their lives and vice versa. It can be hard to determine which disorder came first and if one…
An outpatient facility is a safe place where you can go and receive substance abuse treatment while also being able to maintain commitments to family, work, school, etc. Instead of living at the treatment facility like you would in an inpatient program, you can visit an outpatient facility on a needed basis. The requirements of…
What is the Difference Between Crack and Cocaine? Crack and cocaine may sound like two different drugs but they are actually very similar. As a matter of fact, they share a chemical makeup but are two different forms. Cocaine is a powdered substance while crack cocaine is a rock form. Both are powerful stimulants that…
What is the Connection Between Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders? Which came first – the chicken or the egg? The same question can be asked about mental health and substance abuse in situations involving dual diagnosis. A dual diagnosis is when someone has both a mental health disorder and a substance abuse disorder. In…
What is group therapy? Group therapy is when one or more therapists lead a therapy session for a group of people. Groups typically range between five to 15 people at a time and meet one to two hours per week. While it can be used alone, many people who attend group sessions will also receive…
Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a form of psychotherapy that aims to change clients’ negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to improve functioning and overall quality of life. CBT is shown to effectively treat conditions like addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, relationship issues, phobias, and other mental health issues. CBT is a gold standard in…
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), an outgrowth of CBT, is evidence-based psychotherapy originally developed for treating individuals with borderline personality disorder and chronically suicidal behaviors. The chronic and pervasive self-destructive behavior, low self-esteem, and negative view of self associated with long-term addiction are similar to those chronically suicidal. DBT is highly effective and used widely in…
Common inhalants include everyday household products like hair spray, spray paint, and room deodorants that can be inhaled through the nose or mouth to produce intoxicating or mind-altering effects, similar to those produced by using drugs or alcohol. Because of their everyday uses, inhalants are easy to obtain, can be found in most homes and…